English below ☟
Eller hvad?
Er det i virkeligheden perfekt øvning, der gør det?
Claire Tueller startede med at spille klaver som 5-årig. Hun fik sin bachelorgrad ved Brigham Young University, tog sin kandidat ved Thornton School of Music og er nu i gang med sin doktorgrad ved University of Utah. Foruden sin karriere som koncertpianist, er hun en yderst aktiv konkurrence-deltager og har vundet adskillige flotte priser.
I dagens blogindlæg, har jeg gravet et klip frem fra 2015, hvor hun snakker om dét, hun gør mest af til daglig: at øve sig. Faktisk har hun allerede brugt ca. 6.440 timer på at øve sig! Se med her og bliv klogere på følgende:
… hvorfor mener Tueller ikke, at øvning fører til perfektion?
… hendes 3-trins model til en perfekt øvning.
… hvordan vores resultater bliver ekstraordinære.
… hvordan man opbygger et taktilt fundament.
Med denne lille inspirationsvideo i baghovedet, kan vi nu (igen) øve os i at øve os ?
For som Claire Tueller selv siger: ”We should strive for the highest level of excellence that we each can possibly achieve”.
”Practice makes perfect”
Or what?
Is it perfect practice that makes perfect?
Claire Tueller started to play the piano when she was 5 years old. She got her bachelor degree at the Brigham Young University, took her masters at the Thornton School of Music and she is currently taking her doctoral degree at the University of Utah. Besides her career as a concert pianist, she is also a frequent participant of different competitions and has won many prizes.
Today, I have found one of her interviews from 2015, where she talks about the one thing that is so ordinary to her: practice. Actually, she did some calculating, and she has already practiced around 6,440 hours in total! Watch this video here and get to know about:
… why Tueller doesn’t agree with the sentence “practice makes perfect”.
… her 3-step model toward a perfect practice.
… how our results can become extraordinary.
… how we built up a tactile fundament.
With this little inspirational video, we can now to back and try to practice how we practice (again) ?
Because, as she told us herself: ”We should strive for the highest level of excellence that we each can possibly achieve”.